

One day I developed indigestion. After resisting my wife's entreaties for several weeks, I went casually to consult a friendly colleague. I expected a bottle of bismuth and an invitation to bridge. I received instead the shock of my life: a sentence to six months’ complete rest in the country on a milk diet. I had a gastric ulcer.

Questions :

(1) What makes the writer think that he was a good doctor? (1)

Ans. The doctor thought he was a good doctor because of the following reasons.
(i) His patients like him,
(ii) The old ladies paid him well.
(iii) Everybody liked his cheerful manners.

(2) What sort of patients did the doctor have? (2)

Ans. There are different types of patients like old rich ladies who paid him well and the poor cabbies, porters and deadbeats etc. who had a lot of problem but not in a condition to pay.

(3) What were the reasons for the doctor's indigestion? (2)

Ans. The indigestion, diagnosed as gastric ulcer was caused to doctor because he was overworked and stressed out. He took little or no rest at all from his heavy workload.

(4) “A doctor should have a pleasing personality and good manners.” Do you agree? Explain. (2)

Ans. Yes, I do agree with the statement “A doctor should have a pleasing personality and good manners”, because pleasing personality and good manners of doctor will bring confidence to the needy and sick people. It will improve and increase their moral power and indirectly it will cure the diseases.

(5) Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instructed:

(i) A dear old family physician gazed at my cracked boots and frayed cuffs. (Rewrite the sentence using not only...... but also.) (1)

Ans. A dear old family physician gazed not only at my cracked boots but also at my frayed cuffs.

(ii) I didn't stick at anything for long. (Rewrite the sentence as a rhetorical question.) (1)

Ans. Did I stick at anything for long?

(iii) I had successive ideas of specializing in dermatology, in aural Surgery, in paediatrics, but discarded them all. (Rewrite the sentence using Though.) (1)

Ans. Though I had successive ideas of specializing in aural surgery, in paediatrics, but discarded them all.

(6) Find out from the extract the words which mean the following:
(i) serious requests  (ii) unsewn

Ans. (i) entreaties (ii) frayed

(B) Grammar: Do as directed: (4)

(i)Rewrite the following sentence by inserting the appropriate articles wherever necessary :
I read interesting story from Mahabharata. (1)

Ans. I read an interesting story from the Mahabharata.

(ii) Rewrite the following sentence using the appropriate prepositions :

One of the things that distinguishes man....... other animals is the power........... speech. (1)

Ans. One of the things that distinguishes man from other animals is the power of speech.