Chapter –II
In this chapter a ring R will always mean a commutative ring with element 1.
Definition :2.1
An R module M is an abelian group M together with a map
R given by (a,x) à a.x , satisfying the following conditions.
i. a .(x+y) = a. x + a.y a Є R , x , yЄ M.
ii. (a+b) .x = a.x + b.x a,b Є R , x Є M.
iii. a.(b.x) =(ab) . x a.b Є R, x Є M.
iv. 1. x = x, x Є M
We denote a .x by ax.
Examples :2.2
(i) Any vector space V over a field K is a K –module.
(ii) Any abelian group G is a Z –module.
A Subset N M is called a submodule, if N is a subgroup of the abelian group M and a x Є N for all a Є R and x Є N.
A Subset N
(i) Any subspace W of a vector space V is a submodule.
(i) Any subspace W of a vector space V is a submodule.
(ii) All polynomials of degree atmost n is a submodule of the
R-module R[x].
(iii) The modules O and M are submodule of M called improper submodules.
Definition :2.5
Let M and N be R-module . A map : Mà N is called a homomorphism of R – module if
(ii) (ax) = a (x) , a Є R , x Є M.
Examples :2.6
(I) For any fixed a Є R ,the map : MàM given by (x) = ax, is a homomorphism.
(II) For any submodule N of M ,the inclusion map :N àM defined by (x)=x , x Є N is a homomorphism.
Definition :2.7
Let N be a submoldule of M. Consider the quotient abelian group M/N with the scalar multiplication given by
a.(x + N) =ax +N , a Є R , x Є M.
Then M/N is an R module called the quotient module M/N.
Definition :2.8
A homomorphism of modules which is both (1,1) (injective) and onto (surjective) is called an isomorphism.
Definition :2.9
The map p : M à M/N defined by p(x) = x+ N ,x Є M is a homomorphism of modules called the projection.
Result :2.10
Let N be a submodule of M . Then M/N is an R-module.
Since M is an abelion group and N is a submodule of M
To prove M/N is an abelian group
Let x+N, y+N M/N x,y,
Define µ :A M/N→ M/N by µ (a,x+N) =ax+N =a(x+N)
Let a,b R,x+N, y+N M/N.
a((x+N)+(y+N)) =a (x+y+N)
a((x+N)+(y+N) =a(x+N)+a(y+N).
(a+b).(x+N) = (a+b) x +N.
=ax + bx+N.
=ax+N +bx+N.
(a+b.(x+N) =a(x+N) + b(x+N)
(ab) (x+N) = ab.x+N.
(ab) (x+N) = a(b(x+N))
1.(x+N) = 1.x+N =x+N
The natural map of M onto M/N is an R-module homomophism.
Define : M → M/N by (x) = x+N x M
To prove is a R-module homomophism.
Let x, y M
= x+N+y+N
=a (x).
To prove is onto.
For every x+N M/N, x M such that (x) =x+N.
Let : M → N be a homomophism of M onto N. Then the kernel of ={x M / (x) =0}is a submodule K of M and the quotient module M/K isomorphic to N.
Kernel of = K= {x M / (x) = 0}.
Let x,y ker .
Then (x) =0, (y) =0.
To prove x+y ker
To prove –x ker
= -1. (x)
= -1.0
Hence ker is a subgroup of M.
To prove ax ker
Define the map M/K→N by (x+K) = (x), x M.
Claim : is well – defined.
Let x+K , y+K M/K.
x+K = y+K
Claim: is a homomorphism.
= (x+y)
= (x) + f (y)
= (x+K) + (y+K).
= (ax)
= a (x+K).
Hence is an is homomorphism.
i. I L M N are R-modules , then
ii. I M1,M2 are submodules of M, then M1+M2/M1 M2/M1 M2.
(i)Given L M N are R-modules
Define : L/N à L/M by (x+N) = x+M x+N L/N.
To prove is well – defined
Let x+N, y+N L/N such that x+N =y+N
To prove is an R-module homomorphism.
Let x+N y+N Є L/N , a Є R.
= x+ y+ M
= (x+M) +(y+M)
= ax +M
=a(x +M)
= a (x+N)
Hence is an R-module homomorphism of L/N onto L/M.
Claim: ker = M/N.
Now x +N Є ker
(iii) : M2 à M1+M2/M1 defined by (x) =x+M1 where x Є M2.
Let x, y Є M2 such that x = y
To prove is onto
Let z +M Є M1 + M2/M1
Then z Є M1+M2.
To prove is an R-modules homomorphism
Let x, yЄ M2 , a Є R
=(x+M1 +(y+M1)
=a (x+M1)
=a (x)
Hence is an R-module homomorphism of M2 onto M1+M2/M1.
Claim : ker = M1 M2.
x Є Ker (x) = 0, x Є M2
Ker = M1 M2
Note :
If N and K are submodules of M then N K is a submodule of M but N K is not in general a submodule of M.
The smallest submodules of M containing N K is called the submodule generated by N and K.
The submodule S generated by N and K is a submodule
N+K ={x+y/x Є N, y Є K}
Clearly N + K is a submodule of M since N and K are submodules of M.
Also N N +K and K N+ K so that S N +K.
Conversely, for any x Є N , y Є K , we have x,y Є S so that x + y Є S.
Thus N + K S.
Hence S = N+ K.
Corollary :2.16
If N1, N2,……,NK are submodules of M, the submodule generated by N1,N2,…..NK is equal to
Let A be a subset of M and is denoted by IA.
In particular if I= R and A ={x}, IA is denoted by Rx.
An R-module M is called cyclic if M = Rx for some x Є M.
An R-module M is cyclic iff M R/I for some ideal I in R.
Suppose M is cyclic
Suppose M is cyclic
Define the natural map : R à M by (a) = ax .
clearly is surjective.
To prove is a homomorphism
Let a, b Є R
Hence is a surjective homomorphism.
Let I =ker .
Conversely suppose M R/I.
Since R/I is generated by = 1 +I, R/I is cyclic.
Since R/I M, M is cyclic.