1. Write a letter to your friend describing your pet to him/her.
7G,Sonia Apartments, Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2013
Dear Reena,
It feels so good to have lots of leisure time in your hand and nothing to do. I had a very hectic schedule till Sunday but now I am relaxed. I have something wonderful to share with you. Mother and father have allowed me to keep a pet dog.
Yes, a few days back, my dad’s friend approached us if we were interested to buy a Labrador breed puppy which his friend wanted to sell. Father gave in and guess what! The cute, cuddly two year old is mine. It is grey in colour with floppy ears. I have named him ‘Mischief’ as he justifies it. His arrival has cheered all our family members. He is a brat who wants a lot of attention and
pampering. The best part is that he understands like a small child when we are talking about him. He loves people admiring him but does not like to be held by strangers. He gave us a tough time during Diwali as the deafening crackers scared him a lot. He preferred to remain under our sofa. I could go on and on with a sense of pride the way a parent would express fondness for his child.
Do drop in home to meet Mischief. My world revolves around him. Give my regards to your parents.
Your loving friend,
2. Read the following advertisement and prepare a letter of application.
Young. Male/Female sales representatives.
Candidates should be graduates with a good command of English and Marathi. Apply with detail Box A - 605. TOI. Mumbai - 400 001.
7G, Sonia Apartments, Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2013
The Advertiser,
Box A - 605,
The Times of India,
Mumbai - 400 001.
Reference : Your advertisement in the “The Times of India”
dated 23rdFebruary, 2013.
Subject : Application for the post of sales representative.
Dear Sir,
With reference to your advertisement for a sales representative in yesterdays issue of ‘Times of India’. I wish to apply for the post. I passed my B.com with a first class from Bombay University in May 2008. I have just completed a diploma course in Business Management and Sales. I am 23 years old and I have a fine physique. I have a good command of English, as I studied at St. Xaviers High School and Marathi is my mother tongue. I can also speak Hindi and Gujarati quite well. I have a good aptitude for salesmanship. I assure you that if I am given the post. I shall give it my very best and shall not give you any chance to reconsider your decision.
Yours faithfully,
Enclosures : (i) CV.
(ii) Photocopy of examination results.
(iii) Certificate from APTECH.
3. Write a letter to your younger brother who was caught copying in his exams. Advise him on values, and principles in life.
7G, Sonia Apartments, Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2013
Dear Jash,
Thanks for your lovely birthday card. It was very well made. Yesterday, I visited a book exhibition and have picked up a book on “Human Values” for you. After all, character plays a very significant role in one’s life.
I was shocked to hear from mother that you were caught copying in your exams. It was shocking and very embarrassing to know this. What’s wrong with you? Weren’t you prepared for the paper? Even if you hadn’t studied, what was the need to cheat? Remember, it is important to be a good human being first. Scoring a few more marks by employing low means is not right. Frankly speaking, I was ashamed as I was the Head boy in class X and the thought that the Principal and the teachers would discuss about my brother cheating in class was a very disturbing thought. Mother told me that she has to meet the Principal along with Father. What an embarrassing moment for them! Our deeds reflect our family background, don’t you know that? Hope you realize your mistake and promise yourself to be honest always. You can improve for the best only if you are determined to do so. Take care. All the Best.
Your loving brother,
4. Write a complaint letter regarding over flow of gutter in your locality / village.
7G, Sonia Apartments, Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
. Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
The Sub Engineer,
Maharashtra State Pollution Control Board,
Dadar (w),
Mumbai – 400 021.
Subject: Complaint letter over flow of gutter in our locality.
Respected Sir,
We are totally five hundred families residing in our locality. We are facing a severe problem of growing instances of overflow of gutter for the last three months in our locality.
This over flow in gutter causes the problem of bad odour and leads to growth of mosquitoes which may lead to malaria. Small children playing outside the door have already affected by diarrhoea. Sometimes we feel vomiting and nausea.
We have already given many complaints to our local authority. They are always giving us empty promises and doing nothing. So kindly am requesting you to look into this matter personally. If you do the needful then I shall be very much thankful to you.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
X y z
5. Write a complaint letter regarding irregular electric supply in your locality / village.
7G, Sonia Apartments,
Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
. Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
The Sub Engineer,
Maharashtra State Electricity Board,
Dadar (w),
Mumbai – 400 021.
Subject: Complaint letter regarding irregular electricity supply.
Respected Sir,
We are totally five hundred families residing in our locality. We are facing a severe problem of growing instances of power failure for the last three months in our locality.
In our locality there are many students who are preparing for their upcoming Board Exams as well as for other final examinations. But, this irregularity in electric supply is causing obstacles in their preparation. Sir, you also know, this year the summer is extremely hot so the old people facing it very difficult to tackle the problem. The problems of current supply also lead to some other illegal activities in our locality.
We have already given many complaints to our local authority. They are always giving us empty promises and doing nothing. So kindly am requesting you to look into this matter personally. If you do the needful then I shall be very much thankful to you.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
X y z
6. Write a complaint letter regarding irregular Water supply in your locality / village.
7G, Sonia Apartments, Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
. Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
The Sub Engineer,
Maharashtra State Water Supply Board,
Dadar (w),
Mumbai – 400 021.
Subject: Complaint letter regarding irregular water supply.
Respected Sir,
We are totally five hundred families residing in our locality. We are facing a severe problem of growing instances of insufficient water supply for the last three months in our locality.
We have only 50 taps for our five hundred families, it means on an average a tap for every 10 families, which is already insufficient. But during the last three months the problem has increased to a lot due to less supply of water. Because of less supply of water there is a growing instance of disputes among our local people. Many times we have to return home with our empty vessels.
We have already given many complaints to our local authority. They are always giving us empty promises and doing nothing. So kindly am requesting you to look into this matter personally. If you do the needful then I shall be very much thankful to you.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
X y z
7. Letter to your friend explaining him about the importance of Joint family system.
7G, Sonia Apartments, Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
. Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
Dear friend,
I received your letter confirming your decision to spend this vacation with us. We were all eagerly waiting to see you. However, you have mentioned in your letter about our Joint Family system and its disadvantages like no privacy, lots of work every day, need to get permission for outing, need to adjust with everyone to avoid problems.
But, friend in every system there are some advantages and disadvantages. You have seen only the demerits of joint family system; let me explain its wonderful advantages. You have persons to look after you. Works can be shared. Expenses can be shared. Guidance will be there. Helping – hands are always there in your sorrow. Your happiness will be doubled when it shared with them. Caring will be there. Relationship will be improved. Responsibility will be there. If you are sick no need to depend on hotels. Someone else will cook for you. Always remember this, the beauty about the Indian culture lies in its age-long prevailing tradition of the joint family system.
I hope you will find nice spending time with us in this vacation and also understand the importance of joint family system. I am eagerly waiting for the date to receive you from the railway station.
Yours lovingly,
8. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper drawing his attention to the illegal parking of truck in your lane.
7G, Sonia Apartments,
Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
. Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
The Editor,
Times of India News Paper,
Mumbai: - 400 001.
Subject: Complain against the illegal parking of truck.
Respected sir,
I have been the resident of the above mentioned area for the last twenty years. The people here are all educated and go out to work and children go to school. I would like to bring to your notice that the roads in this area are fully filled with illegal parking of trucks, that it becomes very difficult to even walk specially during the rains. Not only this even the street lights are so poor, that it becomes very difficult for people to walk or take out their vehicles during late in the evening.
One must be aware that how irresponsible is to park vehicles like trucks in the residential area. Hence I request you to consider it and through your newspaper, I want to make one request to the concerned authority to consider this matter as important park the trucks in some other non residential areas.
I shall be obliged if you publish my letter in your newspaper so that it catches the attention of the Councilor of our ward and an urgent action is taken.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
X y Z.
9. Write a letter of enquiry to the manager of a travel agency about a proposed vacation trip you intend to make to Delhi, Simla and Agra.
7G, Sonia Apartments,
Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
. Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010The Manager,
The General travel agency,
Mahim (W),
Mumbai - 400 016.
Subject: Enquiry about a proposed vacation trip to Delhi, Shimla and Agra.
Respected sir,
I, XYZ, one of the teacher staff of our school. We teachers had a meeting with our Principal. The authorities have agreed to give us the permission to conduct the vacation trip to Delhi, Shimla and Agra.
Kindly furnish us with the necessary details and the total cost for 500 students and 20 staff members. Also send your quotations for other places.
Eagerly awaiting your reasonable quotation.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
X Y Z.
10. Write an application letter for the post of librarian for a public library.
7G, Sonia Apartments,
Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
. Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
The Manager,
The General Public Library,
Dadar (W),
Mumbai – 400 021.
Reference : Your advertisement in “The Times of India” dated 23rd, February, 2010.
Subject : Application letter for the post of Librarian.
Respected sir,
With reference to your advertisement for the post of librarian in “The Times of India” dated 23rd, February, 2010. I wish to apply for the same.
I am a very energetic person with excellent communication skill and ready to face any target set by your esteemed public library. I am will to work hard and being young I am also eager to add knowledge with experience. I hold a M.Com degree from “University of Mumbai” and a Diploma in Library Science from “Indira Gandhi Open University”, New Delhi. I have also done computer courses like Basic, Tally – 9 as well as programming languages like C, C++ from NIIT, Matunga. I have 2 years experience as a assistant in local library, Mahim.
My resume is sent here with, for your reference. I shall be much thankful to you, if you grant me an interview call at your convenient time. I am looking forward to join your esteemed Public library as early as possible.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
Encl: - Resume and Xerox copy of educational certificates.
11. Write an application letter for the post of accountant.
7G, Sonia Apartments,
Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
. Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
The Manager,
The General company,
Dadar (W),
Mumbai – 400 021.
Reference : Your advertisement in “The Times of India” dated 23rd, February, 2010.
Subject : Application letter for the post of Accountant.
Respected sir,
With reference to your advertisement for the post of accountant in “The Times of India” dated 23rd, February, 2010. I wish to apply for the same.
I am a very energetic person with excellent communication skill and ready to face any target set by your esteemed company. I am willing to work hard and being young I am also eager to add knowledge with experience. I hold an M.Com degree from “University of Mumbai” and a Diploma in Cost Account from “Indira Gandhi Open University”, New Delhi. I have also done computer courses like Basic, Tally – 9 as well as programming languages like C, C++ from NIIT, Matunga. I have 2 years experience as an assistant accountant in local company, Mahim.
My resume is sent here with, for your reference. I shall be much thankful to you, if you grant me an interview call at your convenient time. I am looking forward to join your esteemed company as early as possible.
Thanking You,
Yours Faithfully,
Encl: - Resume and Xerox copy of educational certificates.
12. Write an application letter for the post of teacher.
7G, Sonia Apartments, Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
The Principal,
The General High School,
Dadar (W),
Mumbai – 400 021.
Reference : Your advertisement in “The Times of India” dated 23rd, February, 2010.
Subject : Application letter for the post of Teacher.
Respected sir,
With reference to your advertisement for the post of Teacher in “The Times of India” dated 23rd, February, 2010. I wish to apply for the same.
I am a very energetic person with excellent communication skill and ready to face any target set by your esteemed School. I am willing to work hard and being young I am also eager to add knowledge with experience. I hold a B.A. degree from “University of Mumbai” and I have done B.Ed. from “Indira Gandhi Open University”, New Delhi. I have also done computer courses like Basic, Tally – 9 as well as programming languages like C, C++ from NIIT, Matunga. I have 2 years experience as a English Teacher in Local School, Mahim.
My resume is sent here with, for your reference. I shall be much thankful to you, If you grant me an interview call at your convenient time. I am looking forward to join your esteemed School as early as possible.
Thanking You, Yours Faithfully,
Encl: - Resume and Xerox copy of educational certificates.
13.Your younger brother who is staying in a hostel has failed in the Terminal examination and has become nervous. He is thinking to give up studies. Write a letter persuading him to continue the efforts and get success.
7G, Sonia Apartments,
Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
Dear brother,
I hope this letter of mine finds you in the pink of health. But what is this I hear about you? Are you really seriously planning to give up your studies, just because you failed in the terminal examination? It would then be a rash decision made without any fore-thought and careful reflection. A solitary failure should not dishearten you. It is not the end of the world for you yet. You must count your blessings. You are full of bouncing energy and very much in the prime of your youth. Should you decide to give up your studies, you will be a big loser. You will be tagged as a school drop - out.
Worse still, without adequate formal education, you will not be able to forge ahead in life. The prospects for you anywhere and everywhere are bound to be bleak. Dearest brother, there is no point in being unduly nervous and diffident. Keep on working and brush up your weak subjects then you are likely to pass your next examination with flying colours.
And what is more, this achievement is not beyond you. Your are quick on the uptake, this should make your task much easier and simpler. I would now in all seriousness urge you to have second thoughts on your rather rash decision to give up studies.
Yours lovingly,
14.You had invited your friend for a vacation at your native place. Somehow he/she could not arrive in time in spite of his/her assurance. Write a letter asking him/her about the reason and tell about your worries.
7G, Sonia Apartments,
Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
Dear Friend,
I received your letter long ago confirming your decision to spend this vacation with us. We were all eagerly waiting to see you. However, the vacation is almost over and we know that there must have been a strong reason for cancelling the arrival.
Mother had special plans for us about spending holidays in Bangalore. Your busy life in Mumbai certainly needed a little change and we had taken care of that in our plans which included an excursion to Krishnaraj sagar where the famous Brindavan Garden is. As this is the fag end of vacation and yet there is no sign of your arrival we lost hopes. Your recent letter confirming your ticket reservation makes us all the more anxious to know as to the reasons for your last minute cancellation. Our disappointment for your not coming has turned into anxiousness and we are all worried about you.
Everyone is forwarding his/her reasons for your sudden dropping the plans to come to Bangalore and I tell you, more we think of the reasons the more worried it makes us all. Therefore, please write to us about the emergency that caused your change in the plans.
We shall be anxiously waiting to hear from you.
Yours lovingly
15. Write a letter of application in response to the advertisement given below :
Reputed software company requires Office Assistants.
Candidates must be HSC, with a working knowledge of computers,
having good communication skills and fluency in English.
Reply to : The Advertiser, Box No.137, The Times of India,
Mumbai – 400 001.
7G, Sonia Apartments,
Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
The Advertiser,
Box No.137,
The Times of India,
Mumbai – 400 001.
Reference : Classified ad in the Times of India dated 5th March, 2012.
Subject : Application for the post of Office Assistant.
With reference to your advertisement in The Times of India, page 3, dated 5 March, 2009, I wish to apply for the post of Office Assistant.
I have passed the HSC (Commerce) with 65%. I have a good command over the English language along with good communication skills. I have also done a three month's course in Computers from APTECH and have knowledge of WORD and EXCEL. I am a person of vision and always aim at excelling at whatever job I take up. My skills will definitely be of great use to the company. I am good at working as a part of a team. I do hope that you will consider me suitable for the post. I am submitting my CV along with this covering letter. I am also submitting photocopies of my HSC examination results and the certificate from APTECH. I hope they meet your requirements.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
16. Write a letter to your friend who always helps you in your studies.
7G, Sonia Apartments,
Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
Dear Sunny,
The moment I got my results today, I thought of writing to you. Guess what? I stood firsts in class with a 92.5%. Isn’t it amazing? Well, I owe this success entirely to you.
Sunny, I remember how weak or rather disinterested in studies I was. My parents kept telling me about it but I thought they were unnecessarily nagging me. Finally they had to seek your intervention and ask you to help me out as you are my best friend. When you met me during the Diwali holidays and spoke to me about my drawbacks, I was a little annoyed. I felt that it was not my fault. I put the entire blame on my school and my teachers. But slowly as I thought about what you had said, I realized that it was entirely my problem. So when you came down during the Christmas holidays, I was enlightened by you as you gave me concrete methods of studying. The time management you chalked out for me really worked. It is such a pleasure to see my parents’ happiness. They
are just beaming with joy.
I want to sincerely thank you. It is rightly said that we are greatly influenced by friends and so I am happy I chose you as a friend. You have been with me in my tough times and thus steered me to success. I assure you that henceforth I will never give my parents any opportunity to complain. Your constant help and support in my studies has helped me always.
Yours lovingly,
17.Write a letter to your mother on the occasion of Mothers’ Day thanking her for whatever she has done for you.
7G, Sonia Apartments,
Rainbow colony,
M.G. Road,
Mahim (E),
Mumbai:- 400 016.
24th February, 2010
Dearest Mom,
I know I haven't written a letter since a longtime but I'm sure you understand today I sought time to pen down this letter as my urge to meet you is immence.
I was passing by the gift shop close to my school and saw a lot of mother day cards and many cute gifts for the occasion but I could see only your face in everything I saw my heart felt a terrible pang when I realized I'll not be able to celebrated this mothers day with you. I have celebrated so many of them with you but this one will be the most memorable one. Today I truly understand why they say "distance makes heart grow fonder", not that I didn't value your presence before but when you are not with me I realize how much I depend on you and how you make my life worth while.
When I was with you I never really thanked you as I always took you for granted. But truly mom thank you so much for giving me life and molding me into what ever I am today. I owe you everything and a thank you is too small a word to express my gratitude. As you always say "one should never refuse to do something because one can't do every thing." So left me do my bit by wishing you 'a happy mothers day from the bottom of my heart'. Give my regards to dad and grandma and don't miss me too much.
Your loving daughter
Dialogue writing
Write a conversation between you and bank manager regarding to open of an account in the bank.
(I am sitting in the office of The Bank Manager of SBI Bank at
Dharavi as I wish to open an account with the Bank)
Bank Manager : (with a warm smile) How can I help you ?
I : Good morning sir (as I shook hand with the manager) I wish to open an account with your bank. Please guide me about the procedure for the same.
Bank Manager : Ok. that's nice the procedure is actually very simple. You just need a few documents like an address proof, 1 photo Id, Pan card and 3 photographs and just fill up the form.
I : But Sir what all benefits will I have if I open and account ?
Bank Manager : You will have an ATM cum debit card to use. We have facilities like Internet Banking and telebanking in addition to the cheque book.
I : With what amount can I start my account.
Bank Manager : The minimum balance to start an account is 1000 /- and this much of balance has to be maintained throughout.
I : Alright. I live at Mulund but my 'Uncle stays at Andheri and I frequently visit him. Then becomes a trouble to access my account.
Bank Manager : Oh. don't worry as I mentioned earlier you can use the internet banking facility or approach any other branch of SBI for cash or cheque deposit or withdrawal.
I : Oh, that's a relief. You really have customer friendly services.
Bank Manager : Yes, that's our ultimate goal anyway here is your form fill it up and attach all the documents required and your accounts will be opened within 24 hrs.
I : Thank you so much for your time I'll see you tomorrow then, good bye.
Write a dialogue between you and your friend regarding a popular T.V. Program.
[I (Meena) met my friend (Tina) after a long time. Herewith are the dialogues exchanged]
Meena : Hi Tina its a great pleasure to see you after so long. I was actually thinking of you the other day when I watched K.B.C.
Tina : Why? What was the matter ?
Meena : The person sitting on the hot seat was smart and had an excellent knowledge of the questions asked just like you do.
Tina : Oh ! Those were the days when we read a lot but these days ........
Meena : But even now K.B.C has a strong influence on people and just to get into the program people have developed the habit of reading.
Tina : Yes, its true, But not all programs are as educative.
Meena : Yes, But might as well make the most of whatever we have.
Write a dialogue between Rohini and Natasha who meet after a long time. They discuss what they have been doing since they parted.
(Two friends meet after a long time)
Rohini : Where have you been all these years?
Natasha : I’m a journalist with ‘The Times’ and I was posted here.
Rohini : That sounds interesting. Since when have you been in this profession?
Natasha : It’s been five years since I took up this profession. What have you been doing all these years ?
Rohini : Well, I’m working as a lecturer in a college.
Natasha : That’s great ! Where are you staying ?
Rohini : I have bought a flat at Mulund and at present I’m staying with my parents.
Natasha : Even I have bought a flat at Thane and I am also stayingwith my parents.
Rohini : Which place do you feel more comfortable working in, Delhi or Mumbai ?
Natasha : Well, both the places have their pros and cons.
Rohini : All said and done, its really great that both of us are together once again after such a long time.
Natasha : You are absolutely right.
Write a dialogue between two senior citizens on the dwindling
human values in society.
(Mr. Patil and Mr. Sawant meet regularly in their neighbourhood garden for a walk and a chat)
Mr. Patil : Good morning, isn’t the weather lovely today?
Mr. Sawant : Hello, good morning. It is.
Mr. Patil : How wonderful to begin one’s day with a walk!
Mr. Sawant : That is right but I am a bit upset. On my way, I saw a young man in his early twenties speak very rudely to an aged person. On hearing their talk I gathered that old gentleman had requested him to lower the volume of the blaring music system in the young man’s car so that peace isn’t disturbed.
Mr. Patil : These young chaps have not been taught any morals by their parents so I don’t blame them at all.
Mr. Sawant : We can’t always blame parents. Most of the time, they turn out to be well educated and decent humans. Today’s youth only worship money. Kindness and politeness doesn’t appeal to them at all.
Mr. Patil : What respect we showered on our parents, elders and teachers!
Mr. Sawant : That is correct but today’s youth are very unfortunate. They don’t have ideal role models to follow. Their parents themselves make fun or criticize the elders or their teachers.
Mr. Patil : It is indeed very sad.
Mr. Sawant : Oh! Look, Mr. Gupta has come after very long.
Write a dialogue between yourself and ‘Stephen Hawkins’ the famous Physicist who inspite of his physical disabilities has achieved greatness.
Yourself : Sir, it is a great honour to sit in your presence. I would consider you an even greater scientist than Albert Einstein.
Stephen : Remember, son, if there were no Einstein there would be no Stephen Hawkins.
Yourself : Which has been your favourite theme in physics, sir ?
Stephen : Black holes, of course. I have always been interested in the origin and nature of our cosmos.
Yourself : What do you suffer from, sir ?
Stephen : I suffer from ALS, a degenerative motor neuron disease.
Yourself : Sir, has your disability ever depressed you ?
Stephen : Being in a motorized wheelchair day in and day out is not easy, son. But I have stopped thinking about it a long time ago. In fact, because I am in a wheelchair, I don't have to think about the routine chores of life. Life has allowed me to focus more keenly on science than any of my normal colleagues.
Yourself : Sir, what prompted you to write 'A Brief History of Time'?
Stephen : Well, to me my ideas about the cosmos and time were so clear. But the terms we scientists use cannot be understood by the worker in the factory or a housewife in the kitchen. So, I decided to write this book in such a way that even a college going student of science could understand it.
Yourself : Sir, your efforts have been very successful. Millions of copies have been sold. The book has given you cult status, especially in America and Europe. Stephen : I don't know about that. But I believe every educated
person should read the book. It will tell them more about their world.
Yourself : Sir, what is your advice to modern - day students?
Stephen : Be curious about your world.About the physical world that is ! Keep on asking yourself questions about the nature of the cosmos and the nature of
time. Forget about wars and conquests and hatred and bloodshed. Immerse yourself in science. That is the only hope for the world.
Yourself : Thank you very much, sir. It was a pleasure speaking to you
The following is a dialogue between me and the Postal Officer on how to send a letter by speed post.
Myself : Excuse me Sir, could you please help me ?
Postal Officer : Yes, tell me son. How can I help you?
Myself : Well , I want to send a letter by speed post.
Postal Officer : Oh, it is a very simple procedure. Where do you want to send the letter?
Myself : I want to send it to Chennai.
Postal Officer : Since you are sending only one letter it will be
less than 50 gm. the cost is Rs. 12 for local
delivery and Rs. 25 for more than 1000 km. since
Chennai is 1815 km the charge will be Rs25 only.
Myself : Now what should I do ?
Postal Officer : Take this form and fill in your name and address as well as the name and address of the receiver and hand it over to me.
Myself : (fills in the form and hands it to the Postal Officer
with the letter.) Here, Sir.
Postal Officer : (Checking it and stamping it and tearing the receipt.) Here is the receipt. Keep it in case of any complaint .
Myself : Here is the money. thank you, Sir.
Postal Officer : Thank you for the changes.
Write a dialogue between two friends who are discussing about the increasing stress levels among students.
(Raj and Ravi, both Class X students in conversation.)
Raj : Hi Ravi, how are you?
Ravi : I am fine. So good to meet you here.
Raj : Well, I haven’t completed my project yet. So I thought I would get some picture post cards at this shop.
Ravi : All seven days of the week are hectic. I don’t remember when I relaxed last.
Raj : It is so stressful to attend school, complete the homework, go for tuitions for all the subjects, complete the homework given there too and now these regular projects.
Ravi : I am losing interest in most of the subjects as I don’t feel physically fit to cope up with everything.
Raj : The other day I went to the doctor as I had a daily headache
which didn’t allow me to study at all. The doctor asked me to relax.
Ravi : Wish he knew what we are going through!
Raj : My parents feel sorry for me at times but they can’t help it. Everyone is going through the grind. There is stiff competition all around.
Ravi : You are correct. There is no time to feel sorry for ourselves, too. Anyway, go and buy these pictures before the shop closes.
Raj : O.K. bye. Take care.
1. Write a report on the following headline.
Independence Day Celebrated
Mumbai, August 16 :
By Student Reporter.
This year too, Independence Day was celebrated with the same joy and respect as ever in General School. The entire school was decorated two days before. Chief guest Mr. D.N. Vijay, the city police commissioner, unfurled the tricolour at 7.30 am. The national anthem was played by the school band while everyone stood respectfully in attention. Raghav Gupta, a Class IX student was felicitated by the Principal as he had won the gold medal representing the school at the State level for chess. A group of Class X recited a patriotic poem “Mera Bharat”. Class VIII presented a short play based on the 1857 revolution which impressed everyone. Headboy Ajith spoke on all the great leaders of India, who had played an important role in the struggle to drive the British out of India. The Principal addressed the Class X students who would soon be going out into the world. He exhorted them to cherish the democratic ideals which the school had inculcated in them. Sweets and light snacks were distributed to everyone. The gathering dispersed after the playing of Vande Materam with patriotism and positive energy in their hearts.
Mumbai, February, 24
By a Staff Reporter,
In a daring day light robbery, three masked men entered the Indian Bank, Mahim branch on Monday at 10 a.m. When the Manager refused to cooperate, he was fired at chest from a N – 38 revolver and was seriously injured. The three masked men were escaped in a waiting Red Maruti Van with a loot of 5 lakhs.
The Bank Manager Mr. Anbu Selvan, was rushed to Sion Hospital. He had sustained two bullet wounds on his chest. Doctors have reported that his condition is still critical. When contacted Mr. Ragavan, commissioner of Police said that certain important clues have been inspected which would definitely lead to the arrest of the bank robbers.
Mumbai, February, 24
By a Staff Reporter,
Thirty school children were killed when a State Transport Bus was smashed by a truck near Dadar yesterday.
Sixty five students and five teachers of General English High School were on their way to Water Kingdom at about 9.40 a.m., when the Municipal Garbage truck smashed the State Transport Bus. The truck driver was trying to save a boy who was crossing the road. Twenty five students and 3 teachers were seriously injured; they were immediately taken to the Sion Hospital. When contacted Mr. Ragavan, commissioner of Police said that investigations were going on detailed report will be given only after the proper investigation.
Mumbai, February, 24
By a Staff Reporter,
Heavy, rains continued for the third day in Mumbai, bringing all normal life to a standstill. The Central part of the city was the worst affected with the water level rising above 3 feet in some areas.
Most of the main roads were completely flooded. In many areas the electric poles had fallen down and thus the whole city faced darkness. The situation may improve by tomorrow. The spokesperson of B.E.S.T. said that, “All the city buses were cancelled, which leads to a major problem for a common man”
Mumbai, February, 24
By a Staff Reporter,
Over 30 children were battling for their lives in Sion Hospital after they had consumed sweets distributed by the School at a function, yesterday.
The students of the General English High School, King Circle were given sweet brought from a local shop on the occasion of Annual Day celebration of the School. Immediately after consuming sweets the children felt nausea and dizziness. Some started vomiting and were rushed to Sion Hospital. The police have registered a case against the shopkeeper and arrested him. Parents were worried for the speedy recovery of their children.
Mumbai, February, 24
By a Staff Reporter,
India wins second test match against Australia at Eden Garden, today. The two teams now stand level.
The little master Sachin and Skipper (captain) Dhoni who built up a partnership of one sixty runs taking up the total to 350. However, McGrath, bowling took the toll and he took 4 wickets. Later the overall target of 540 runs seemed to be tough for the Australian team. The Australian Skipper Ricky Ponting was disappointed with their players performance. As none of the Australian player has scored a century except the Skipper. Ricky Ponting himself is the highest scorer with 103 runs. The Ponting said, “My team would fight back in the Third and final test in Mumbai”.
NOTE: - In this section, facts have to be written. This is not subjective but objective, hence it is known as fact file.
1. Write a fact file of a place of your interest keeping in mind the following.
a. Name of Place
b. Conveyance
c. Distance from Mumbai.
d. Climate
e. Things to do
Ans. Name of Place : Matheran.
Conveyance : Train, Bus, Car
Distance from Mumbai : 90 Kms.
Climate : Cool in Summer, Cold in winter.
Things to do :Various points to visit, Shopping clothes, cap, bag.
2. Prepare a fact file about the place you visited during the Diwali Holidays.
Ans. Name of the Place : Ooty in Tamil Nadu.
Terrain : Plain – hills, rocky ground, very near to Coastline.
Temperature : 5 to 19 degrees in winter and 20 to 25 degrees in summer.
Modes of transport : Plane, Train, Bus, Car.
Fare : Depends on the distance from other places and the mode of transport choosen.
Food : Rice, Idli, Dosa.
Sightseeing : Dolphin nose, Flower Garden, Government Botanical Garden, Doddabetta, The Mukkurthi Peak & National Park, Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary, Pykara, Deer Park.
Anything Special: Handicraft and specific paintings made by the local residents, Special goodies for the festival are made available, clothes are available in specific local variety which has the essence of the prevalent culture of the place.
Entertainment : Boating, surfing, go – karting, bungee diving, paragliding, trekking, river rafting, fishing.
3. Prepare a fact file of a Bird Sanctuary you have visited.
Fact file of Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary
Location : Banks of Vembanad Lake.
Known As : Queen of Vembanad.
Distance : Kottayam - 15 km, Nedumbassery - 106 km, Periyar - 185 km.
Getting there : Nearest Airport - Kochi Airport Nedumbassery - 106 km.
Nearest Rail - Kottayam Junction -15 km.
Road - 15 km from Kottayam. S-H-1 links Kumarakom to Cochin and Trivendrum.
Best time to visit : November to February.
Major wildlife : Waterfowl, Cuckoo, Owls, Egrets, Herons Water Ducks,
Attractions Parrots, Teal, Larks, Flycatchers, Wood Beetle, Mangrove Forests, Green Paddy Fields and Coconut Groves.
Uniqueness : To see the migratory Siberian Cranes.
Where to eat : Vembanad Seawood Bar, Restaurants - Ettukettu, Thattukada, Tharavadu, Fort Kochi, Pearlspot.
Other attractions: Houseboat and Motorboat Cruise, Tasting Delicious Kottanad Cuisine.
Staying options : Kumarakom Lake Resort, Coconut Lagoon, Taj Garden Retreat, Backwater Ripples, Illikkalam Lake Resort, Golden Waters.
1. Prepare a Shot tourist leaflet about your village / town indicate:
i. How to go there?
ii. Where to stay/ Accommodation
iii. When to visit?
iv. What to see?
v. Anything special/ Add your own points.
Ans. Bangalore Introduction: Bangalore is a city of Roses with beautiful gardens. It is the capital city of Karnataka. It is a highly developed city.
i. How to go there: Bangalore is well connected with rest of India. One can go to Bangalore by the way of Plane, Bus
or Train:
Plane: Daily two flights namely IA – 550 and IA – 330 from Mumbai to Bangalore are available.
Bus: The State Transport Bus Services and many other private Bus Services are available from Mumbai to Bangalore.
Train: There are many trains available which can take you to Bangalore. The most convenient is
“Mumbai – Bangalore Express”
ii. Where to Stay: Accommodation is no problem in Bangalore. The Government tourist Hotels and other Big and
Small hotels are available to suit ever one’s budget.
iii. When to Visit: October to December is the best time of the year to visit Bangalore.
iv. What to See: The climate and scenery of Bangalore is mind blowing. It is a well planned city with huge roads, parks, theatres, and gardens, there are many interesting places to see like Bull Temple, Tippu Palace, Glass house, the Museum, Vishan Sabha and many Palatial Buildings. It is also known as little Singapore.
v. Anything Special As far as food is concerned Bangalore is famous for Noodles, Gobi Manchurian, Channa Masala, Idli fry, Prawns fry, Mugal Briyani, etc. The people are very culture oriented and highly intelligent. They give more importance to their education.
2. Prepare a Shot tourist leaflet about your village / town indicate:
i. How to go there?
ii. Where to stay/ Accommodation
iii. When to visit?
iv. What to see?
v. Anything special/ Add your own points.
Ans. CHENNAI Introduction: Chennai is a city of Temple with beautiful architecture. It is the capital city of Tamil Nadu. It is a highly developed city.
i. How to go there: Chennai is well connected with rest of India. One can go to Chennai by the way of Plane, Bus
or Train:
Plane: Daily two flights namely IA – 550 and IA – 330 from Mumbai to Chennai are available.
Bus: The State Transport Bus Services and many other private Bus Services are available from Mumbai to Chennai.
Train: There are many trains available which can take you to Chennai. The most convenient is
“Mumbai – Chennai Express”
ii. Where to Stay: Accommodation is no problem in Chennai. The Government tourist Hotels and other Big and
Small hotels are available to suit ever one’s budget.
iii. When to Visit: June to October is the best time of the year to visit Chennai.
iv. What to See: The climate and scenery of Chennai is mind blowing. It is a well planned city with huge roads, parks, theatres, and gardens, there are many interesting places to see like Bull Temple, Lord Ganesh Temple, Marina Beach, Anna samathi, Lord Murugan Temple, Palatial Buildings, etc, it is also known as little New York.
v. Anything Special As far as food is concerned Chennai is famous for Idli, Vada, Sambar, Masal dosa, Idli fry, Prawns fry, Mugal Briyani, etc. The people are very culture oriented and highly intelligent. They give more importance to their education.
3. Prepare a Shot tourist leaflet about Hill Station:
i. How to go there?
ii. Where to stay/ Accommodation
iii. When to visit?
iv. What to see?
v. Anything special/ Add your own points.
Ans. OOTY Introduction: Ooty is the queen of Hill with beautiful lakes, rivers, scenery, etc. It is situated in the heart of Tamil Nadu.
i. How to go there: Ooty is well connected with rest of India. One can go to Chennai by the way of Plane, Bus
or Train:
Plane: Daily two flights namely IA – 550 and IA – 330 from Mumbai to Ooty are available.
Bus: The State Transport Bus Services and many other private Bus Services are available from Mumbai to Ooty.
Train: There are many trains available which can take you to Ooty. The most convenient is “Mumbai – Ooty Express”
ii. Where to Stay: Accommodation is no problem in Ooty. The Government tourist Hotels and other Big and
Small hotels are available to suit ever one’s budget.
iii. When to Visit: June to October is the best time of the year to visit Ooty.
iv. What to See: The climate and scenery of Ooty is mind – blowing. It is a well planned hill station with huge roads, parks, theatres, and gardens, there are many interesting places to see like Bull Temple, Lord Ganesh Temple, Dolphin Nose, Flower Garden, Lord Murugan Temple, Palatial Buildings, etc,.
v. Shopping: Shopping in Ooty is fun. One can buy very traditional and well as modern things from Ooty. Ooty is very famous for woollen clothes.
vi. Anything Special As far as food is concerned Ooty is famous for Black tea, Idli, Vada, Sambar, Masala dosa, Idli fry, Prawns fry, Mugal Briyani, etc. The people are very culture oriented and highly intelligent. They give more importance to their education.
Prepare a speech you wish to give on the Farewell Day Function of your school.
Respected Principal, teachers and my dear students,
It is indeed with a heavy heart that we have gathered here to wish our dear Prof. Natrajan a happy and fruitful retired life. We will no longer have the privilege of daily interaction and learning from a source that we have taken for granted.
Prof. Natrajan has been teaching in our school for the past 35 years but I have been lucky enough to have been taught by him at least for the past 2 years (std. VIII and IX). My first memory of him was of a stern teacher, who entered the class with the text in the left hand and chalk dust all over his right hand.
He made a dreaded subject like mathematics seem easy when he worked out the problems on the blackboard with lightning speed. He made us learn the formulae, theorems and equations so that they remained in our heads. He reduced an amazing number of chalk sticks to dust on his hands and the toes of his shiny black shoes. It saddens me that Prof. Natrajan will be retiring from active teaching. We have no words to thank him enough for giving us a strong foundation in Maths. He always told us that no problem is too difficult to solve.
We wish him good health, happiness and contentment in his well deserved time of rest and reflection with the satisfaction of job well done.
Write a speech to be delivered among your class mates, regarding
Dear friends, we have one life let us make our one life more meaningful by donating blood. Blood donation is the mother of all donations. Blood donation directly gives life to another human being. It is not only saves one individual but also the entire family of that individual. A person can donate blood thrice in a year. The donated blood will be thoroughly checked and stored up in a secured form. For donating blood a person must have a weight of at least 45 kg.
Many people have misunderstandings about bold donation. They feel by donating blood they will fall sick. But it is not like so, the donated blood will automatically regenerate by our body itself within four to five hours after donating the blood. A person will be prohibited from donating blood if he drank alcohol during the last six hours.
So friends, let us put our hands together and make a promise to donate blood at least once in a year.
Write a speech to be delivered among your class mates, regarding
Dear Friends, we have one life let us make our one life more meaningful by donating eyes. Eye donation is the mother of all donations. Eye donation directly gives vision to another human being. It is not only gives vision to one individual but also to the entire family of that individual. A person who wishes to donate his eyes after his death has to go to an eye hospital and need to register his name with the hospital.
The information about the person who agreed to donate eyes and died is to be given to the respective hospital as early as possible. So, that his eyes can be removed and saved within six hours. We can see the world even after the death of ourselves by the way of donating eyes.
So, friends let us put our hands together and make a promise to donate eyes after our death.
Write a speech on "Save Electricity".
Respected teachers and my dear friends.
Today I want to draw the attention of one and all towards the wastage of electricity in our country. You will agree that during the last several years the consumption of electricity has been steadily rising. Since 1992 consumption of electricity produced and supplied was 500 Megawatts and more.
The major portion of consumption was of the industrial houses; it was 250 Megawatts in 1992 but touched 350 Megawatts. Residential units consumed 100 Megawatts in 1992 but it rose to 150 in 1993. In agriculture sector, the rise was not steep because of a satisfactory rainfall. But there was also a slight rise in consumption in this sector from 1992 onwards.
This overall look on the consumption front indicates that it has been rising steadily. This is because of many factors. There are changes in the standard of living and total dependence for using various gadgets of daily use of electricity. Obviously, this meant that in the coming years electricity crisis may be sharper
unless effects are made to set up more thermal or hydel power stations.
I would like to add that we must check the misuse of electricity in every way. All perhaps know that electricity saved is electricity produced. So we must use it when it is necessary and unavoidable. For example, we must switch it off in the room from which we come out. Coolers, refrigerators, TVs, etc. must be
switched off when they are not used. Similarly, street lights must be switched on when it is really dark. Farmers can save electricity by using good quality condensers and ISI marked motors for their tube wells. Only in this way can we save much electricity.
Speech about India of My dreams
Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends,
A warm welcome to all of you to the awareness program of ‘India of my dreams’ I am honoured to express my feelings in front of everybody about a topic that is so close to my heart. I have often thought about this-India of my dreams’, everytime. I am sure each one of you must be having your own perception on how would India look like if things were really in shape.
I first of all think of a hundred percent educated India with no poverty and unemployment. Is that possible? Yes, I believe it is our attitude towards things that make things happen. Nothing is impossible. When I take a look at the railway tracks and the hutments nearby, from the train, with all the filth and rubbish littered all around, it hurts me. Can’t we have garbage free India?
A place where everybody feels fresh and relaxed, a place with no pollution, no corruption, no selfishness, no violence and of course, we know the list is endless. Wish all of us start understanding each other and have sensitivity towards each and every individual.
Sensitivity towards nature is also of paramount significance. When you come to think of it , things are not difficult at all, we can make our country a better place to live in. India can reach the top pedestal and can do a great job in the field of science and technology. I always wish a day comes when, the foreign countries will be importing machinery, technicians, scientists, doctors and teachers and reporters give our example to the entire world to reach the path of progress and development. I hope you and me together can involve ourselves in as many social projects as possible for the good of our country. And a day will come where I will be able to proudly say, yes this is my India- a
country of my dreams.
Write a speech regarding cruelty towards animals.
Respected Principal, teachers and friends,
I regret to say that cruelty towards animals has reached alarming levels nowadays. This is clear from the fact how a weak and skinny bull pulls the cart loaded with tons of weight. The cart owner mercilessly beats it and prods at its thin body with his stick. Similarly, there are numberless deserted animals like cows, dogs, camels and donkeys roaming on the roads. Many of them have open wounds. Some are so diseased that looking at them reveals the ill treatment given to them by the human beings. The bones in their skeletons can easily be counted. Then they are beaten by their owners if they do not move. This indeed is a sorry tale of the indifference of the owners towards these domestic animals. I feel shocked to see how badly these animals are treated. Animal life forms an indistinguishable part of human life.
Animals render inexplicable service to man. But we are so callous towards them that we don’t bother about their welfare. There are hospitals for them. Yet the owners don’t bother to take care of them in times of illness. I urge the authorities to take strict action against the owners who illtreat them. Man is also responsible for killing certain endangered species like whales and polar bears for their meat, skin and fat. People have grown richer by selling the dead bodies of the whales. These are used for making skin creams, cosmetics, bath essence, detergents, pieces of jewellery, etc. Conservation of such species is very important, or else they would soon be on the brink of extinction. The situation has become so grim that we cannot turn our eyes away. So let us all pledge to save animals from being ill treated.
Write a speech on ''Retirement of a staff member of the school''.
Respected Principal, teachers and my dear students. It is indeed with a heavy heart that we have gathered here to wish our dear Prof. Natrajan a happy and fruitful retired life. We will no longer have the privilege of daily interaction and learning from a source that we have taken for granted. Prof. Natrajan has been teaching in our school for the past 35 years but I have been lucky enough to have been taught by him at least for the past 2 years (std. VIII and IX). My first memory of him was of a stern teacher, who entered the class with the text in the left hand and chalk dust all over his right hand. He made a dreaded subject like mathematics seem easy when he worked out the problems on the blackboard with lightning speed. He made us learn the formulae, theorems and equations so that they remained in our heads. He reduced an amazing number of chalk sticks to dust on his hands and the toes of his shiny black shoes.
It saddens me that Prof. Natrajan will be retiring from active teaching. We have no words to thank him enough for giving us a strong foundation in Maths. He always told us that no problem is too difficult to solve. We wish him good health, happiness and contentment in his well deserved time of rest and reflection with the satisfaction of job well done.
Respected Principal, teachers, members of the staff and fellow
Today I am here to speak on ‘Tree plantation’. You know how greatly beneficial trees are. They, in fact, sustain our lives. Just imagine, if they had not provided us with oxygen or with food, fuel, furniture, fruits, herbs, houses for birds, what kind of life it would have been? Well, there wouldn’t have been life at all.
Besides this, trees cause rains which are as necessary as air. They give us a beautiful landscape and help in the ecological balance of nature. You can imagine the surface of the moon. Our earth would be like that without trees – lifeless, colourless, lustreless. We are here because of them. We must therefore start valuing them. In the past trees were planted by kings and nawabs on roads, around palaces and in gardens. In the modern times local governments have been planting them on roads and in parks. In the future people shall plant them almost every where on vacant spaces.
Our disregard for trees has borne us with sour fruits. See the effects of deforestation and increasing urbanization. Environmental pollution is their result. Global warming, or the Green House effect have caused drought conditions in many parts of the world. Undoubtedly many states in our country are reeling under scanty rainfall. If we are really serious about the value of tree plantation due to these reasons, it becomes our urgent duty to plant more and more trees on every available inch of land. It is the need of the hour that something should be done to restrain the increasing environmental degradation by planting more trees and implementing various laws to check tree felling. If something is not done soon, the damage to our biosphere will be difficult to repair.
Respected Principal, teachers and fellow students.
It is indeed a healthy sign that women all over the world are waking up to their rightful place in the society. But much is still to be achieved. For example, violence against women is still practised almost in all male-dominated societies of the world. This aspect is deplorable in our country. Daily we read in newspapers how some wild people burn the brides for the sake of dowry, while some beat their wives under the effect of liquor on flimsy grounds.
Life, in fact, is a great burden for our women. They toil from morning to evening like bonded labourers. When they are beaten on unreasonable grounds, the conscience of males is not pricked. No one treats them like human beings. The killing of female foetuses have been increasing. There are changes in the standard of living. It is amazing that even after sixty years of independence, we come across cases of dowry deaths, killing of female foetuses, withdrawing of girl-students from schools and gender discrimination. The newspapers are full of such news. It is really terrifying that the sex ratio has been steadily declining in our country. On an average there are 892 females against 1000 males. Women are discriminated against everywhere, though our Constitution guarantees equality in every walk of life. There are instances when women are paid less for the same work for which men are paid more and such things are never reported. Not only that, women are glamorized in advertisements. But underneath they are treated on an inhuman level. It is now the time that men must recognize the fact that women are no less than them in any way. There should not be any discrimination against them. We need to restore them their appropriate status as it was in ancient India.
Write a speech given by the Principal to the students on the importance of 'Diet and Fitness'.
My dear students,
Good Morning. Today I want to emphasize on the importance of Diet and Fitness in your daily life. Recently, I came across an article in the newspaper that addiction to junk food is on the rise amongst students. Remember, what is tasty to your tongue is very harmful for your system. Include sprouts, fruits and veggies in your diet. Drink plenty of water to remain hydrated. Junk food hampers concentration levels so your performance in studies is hampered. Physical exercise is also necessary and goes hand in hand with a balanced diet. Parents complain that television and computers is what most of you indulge in if you are not studying. Take up one sport from the various options offered by our school. A good healthy individual can do wonders in his life. ‘A healthy body and a sound mind’ combination will go a long way. I hope all of you will strive towards fitness and a good diet and be happy, healthy humans.
Prepare an appeal to be presented along roadside regarding protecting environment.
Dear friends, Mother Nature is crying for help to protect herself from the social evils like, cutting of trees, polluting the rivers, burning of plastics, emission of CO2, depletion of ozone layer, global warming etc. In order to highlight the problems and to make people aware, the social service organisation “PRITHVI” is going to conduct a two days program.
· Day One: Former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, will give a speech regarding
i. How to save our environment?
ii. How to reduce the level of CO2?
iii. Use of solar energy.
· Day Two: Famous Cricketer, Sachin Tendulkar shall plant the first sapling of “ONE CRORE TREE PLANTATION” program.
So, friends come one and come all let us put our hands together and make a promise to save our mother nature.
Prepare a poster to highlight the benefits of eating bananas for healthy eating.
A BANANA A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY Eat a banana every day BENEFITS helps in regulating blood pressure lowers the risk of a stroke aids in toning up the muscles keeps the gastrointestinal tract healthy facilitates the growth of desirable micro-organisms which boost immunity helps digestion and for binding stools combats acidity. Nutrition value low sodium and iron high potassium content Other advantages it is least bio-contaminated it is affordable it makes one feel satiated So why not start your way to healthy eating today? |

Prepare 10 questions to interview a 14-year-old boy who won the Bravery Award.
(Ram Kumar, a fourteen year boy from the Vasai Taluka, was recently felicitated with a bravery award for his courageous act of saving an old neighbor from being brutally murdered by some thieves. The following is an excerpt of an interview of Ram Kumar.)
Well, congratulations on receiving the award. Will you please answer a few questions?
1 What was your reaction when you got the news about the award?
2 Did you expect this kind of recognition for your act?
3 Please throw some light on the incident.
4 How many thieves were there?
5 Did they have any weapons?
6 Did you scream for help?
7 How did you handle so many of them that too without any weapons?
8 Were you hurt in the process?
9 Who reported the matter to the police?
10 It is said that this generation is very selfish but you have proved it wrong. Any message for the youth of today.
Thank you Ram. Wish you a lot of success and hope you become a ray of inspiration to the people of the country.
Write an interview that you conducted with the famous cricketer MS Dhoni. Frame ten questions.
(1) Congrats on being awarded the Padma Shri. How does it feel to get this honour at such a young age?
(2) How do you feel about the two boxers who brought glory to India at the Olympics not being included in the government’s honours list?
(3) You are the first cricketer to represent Jharkhand in the national team. Do you feel any additional responsibility?
(4) What are your plans to encourage and develop talent in the state?
(5) How has Gary Kirsten helped as a coach?
(6) You are leading a very young team. What does leading such a young team involve?
(7) Do you miss the services of players like Dravid and Ganguly?
(8) What aspects of the game need improvement, both as an individual and as a team?
(9) Many critics say you are just riding on a lucky streak and the team still doesn’t have any consistency. What do you feel?
(10)Any messages for your fans?
Your teacher has won an award in appreciation of his/her services in the field of education. Prepare ten questions to interview him/her.
Hearby congratulations madam, for winning an award for your
commendable contribution to the field of education.
1 What was your feeling when you received this prestigious award ?
2 Was it your dream from childhood to be a teacher ?
3 Who nurtured and nourished this dream as years went by ?
4 According to you, what qualities or attributes should a teacher possess in order to be successful ?
5 Did you face any disappointments or set–backs in the course of your career as teacher ?
6 Who was your source of inspiration all along ?
7 Did you ever regret choosing this teaching profession ?
8 Have the students in any way enriched your life as a teacher ?
9 In today’s world of changing values and priorities, would you advise us to choose this profession ? Why ?
10 What message would you like to give to today’s generation ?
Write an interview of a retail shopkeeper. (Frame 10 questions only)
Mr Ramnik Solanki, a retailer of provisions, was interviwed with the following questions :
1 How is business right now as the festive season is approaching?
2 How much rise in sales happens during these months?
3 Why do the retail outlets look slightly deserted despite the festive season?
4 How have the malls affected your business?
5 Do you agree that people prefer to purchase from outlets like Food Bazaar and Food Lands as the entire family can have an evening out at the mall?
6 Why can’t retailers give heavy discounts like the malls to lure ?
7 What is your Retail Association planning to do to protest against these malls?
8 Does it mean that small retail outlets are dying a slow death?
9 How would you compare the sales in your outlets a few years before the malls cropped up in every area?
10 Won’t it be a lost battle for the retailers as the mall culture is here to stay?
Interview of a Doctor, on Doctor’s Day. (Frame 10 questions only)
On the occasion of Doctor’s Day celebrations, the Rotary Club had arranged a special get-together wherein many renowned doctors were felicitated for their noble service. Our Staff reporter had the privilege of interviewing one of them, Opthalmologist Dr. Rajesh Singh present at this function.
1 How did you feel when you were felicitated?
2 Since how long have you been practising at ‘Sanjivini’?
3 On an average how many OPD patients come everyday?
4 Do people really have an awareness of eye-defects?
5 Do you find that children and teenagers have more eye-defects than the elders?
6 How often are people born blind?
7 Which is your most memorable experience as an Opthalmologist?
8 Are laser surgeries more effective than conventional ones?
9 What message do you have for aspiring opthalmologists?
10 Do you think there is an excessive need for eye-donation?
1. Read the tabular data showing the causes of road accidents in India and write a paragraph mentioning the chief points.
Sr. No. | Causes | Percentage |
1 | Drivers’ fault (not following traffic rule, overtaking, speeding, etc. ) | 83.5% |
2 | Passengers/Pedestrian fault (not following traffic rule, not walking on foot path, etc. ) | 4.7% |
3 | Mechanical defect in vehicle | 4.0% |
4 | Absence of reflectors | 2.0% |
5 | Other factors (bad, roads, potholes, broken dividers, etc) | 6.8% |
| Total | 100.0% |
2. Read the following tree diagram that give information about the judiciary system in India and prepare a short note.

3. You have conducted a survey of wage earners in your locality. Given below is a graphical representation of your findings. The ‘X’ axis represents the wages earned in Rs. And the ‘Y’ axis represents the number of wage earners. The blocks are shaded differently to show children, women and men. The legend for each is given below the graph. Write a paragraph explaining your findings:

Year | Girls | Boys |
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 | 5000 5200 5100 5100 5325 | 4911 5099 5067 5190 5205 |
4. Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the enrolment of girls and boys in a school from 1998 to 2002. You may use the following words or phrases.
Number of enrolments, always, more than, except, exceeded, steady rise, fell, remained the same, rose again, etc.
Tree Diagram
A Tissue may be defined as a group of cells having some shape, size, origin, function and the same type of development. Tissues are basically classified into two groups namely, meristematic tissues, and permanent tissues. Meristematic tissues are divided into two, these are position based and origin based. Permanent tissues are further divided into two groups. They are simple tissues and complex tissues. On their basis of their position in the plant body meristematic tissues are classified as aplicle – intercalary, and lateral. On the basis of origin, meristematic tissues are divided into 3 groups; they are Pro – meristem, Primary – meristem and secondary – meristem. Simple tissues are classified into 3 groups, namely parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, The two complex tissues are found in vascular plant. They are xylem and phloem.
Expansion of ideas
Practice Makes Perfect
You cannot become a world-class musician unless you take up your instrument and play on it daily for hours together. You cannot become a Tendulkar merely through inborn skill. You have to go to the nets every day for hours to practise. You need a coach to guide you an tell you where you go wrong. Merit-holders in board examinations do not achieve their marks by pure inspiration. They have studied throughout the year and revised and re-revised and made themselves perfect in whatever they have set out to study. It is only regular practice that makes one perfect. If you don‟t practise your work regularly, you will, at the most, be average in your performance. You will not win prizes or medals or awards. the most difficult task can be performaed by anyone if they take the trouble to practise daily and regularly. In fact, you can achieve almost anything with practice. If you don‟t practise your work regularly, you will, at the most, be average in your performance. You will not win prizes or medals or awards. the most difficult task can be performaed by anyone if they take the trouble to practise daily and regularly. In fact, you can achieve almost anything with practice. Five fingers make a hand. A hand makes a handshake. A handshake extends warmth and friendship and reaches out to the world. India is a land od diverse people, cultures, religions, languages and geography. Yet, as long as we are united, we are strong and no one can do us harm. The moment we show any sign of division, we will be vulnerable and enemies will try to take advantage of the situation. A team in which the individual members play for their own good cannot win a match. As long as it plays for the good of the team, it can win. Anything that we do should be done for the general good, not for the individual. then only can we achieve victory.
God help those who help themselves.
There are students who don‟t study all through the year and then one day before the examination they go to the temple, make offerings and perform pooja and think that God will answer their prayers and give them a good result in the examination. Such students will find, much to their dismay, that God does not help shirkers. He only helps those who help themselves. There is the story of a scientist who worked for years in order to find out the cause of malaria. He had performed hundreds of experiments and almost given up hope. The he prayed and fell asleep. The next morning he woke up with a new idea in his hand. He tried it out and lo and behold!, he had found the cure for malaria. Thus we see that God helps only those who helps themselves. This is because God has given us all talents, attributes and the thinking power to achieve what we want. After being given all these, why should we again rely on God to achieve success? We should rely on the gifts that God has given us to make progress in life, rather than on God to do it for us.
Dreamers create a world of their own
Dreams are an integral part of man’s life. Whether he is awake or sleep, man loves dreaming. Dreams take us to a different world ..... a world of our own ..... a world, where no one else can have any access ........ an imaginary world, where, often, every impossible thing becomes possible.
Stop dreaming and we come back to the same old world of limitations and deadlines. Nothing works the way we want and we face many set – backs and disappointments, frustration and failure. All inventions and discoveries are a result of man’s dreaming. Great novels and stories and the scripts for films and plays originate from a mind which imagined and dreamt.
A dreamer is a happy man. Asleep or awake, he is in his own world, creating his own thoughts, his own thrills. Whether one agrees or not, don’t we all love to go to sleep ......and to dream ......... and don’t we all hat to wake up after that ? Yes ! A dream world is our own world of happiness.
All that glitters is not gold
Appearances are often deceptive. Many things may superficially appear very attractive. When they are examined from close quarters, they prove to be disappointing. One cannot judge the quality of a thing by seeing its exterior portion only. Thus it is rightly said "All that glitters is not gold"
Physical appearance has always been of great importance for human beings. For centuries, poets have written about beauty, musicians have sung about it and painters have portrayed beautiful features on canvas. However, people worry so much about physical appearance nowadays that sometimes it stops being our ally to become our greatest enemy. Many things may superficially appear very attractive. When they are examined from close quarters, they prove to be disappointing. One cannot judge the quality of a thing by seeing its exterior portion only. We should try to find out the reality hidden behind their glittering facade. A book with a beautiful cover has no guarantee of its being interesting.
A beautiful packaged product launched in the market after massive advertising campaign may attract the consumer. He may but that product once but if the product is of poor quality, he would not buy it again. A wise discerning person does not accept things at face value. He gets suspicious of a person or thing which appears too good to be true. His trained eyes can see beyond the superficial appearance of an object. Thus this proverb actually is a warning to enable us to see the real picture and not to be deceived by the exterior.
Pollution : The Bane of Machine Age
Today's world cannot be imagined without machines. It is not just comfort for all of us but also our basic necessity. Cell phones, cars, refrigerators, air conditioners, and so on at every step we are dependant on machines. Life was never so simple just a click and you are connected to the whole world. But every thing comes with a price tag. What price are we paying for all the comfort we are enjoying? Our environment and it is a big price. Every coin has two sides. Machines have reduced work but also put us in great peril, the only habitat that shelters all creatures i.e. our planet earth is immensely harmed .Pollution is
slowly degrading our environment every minute. Environmental pollution is one of the biggest problems the world faces today. It is an issue that troubles us economically, physically and everyday of our lives. The contamination of the environment is also being linked to some of the diseases that are around currently. Yet, most people pretend that there is no problem because they are dependent and some times addicted to machines. We must do some thing as soon as possible to curb this problem, not only for the good of the environment but also for the people that live in it. Many factors are present for why environmental pollution has become such a large issue in the world. However, if the people of the world were to address the issue it would definitely help both the environment and its people. There are many activities that can be done by both the common people and governments of the world, which could
improve the environmental problem. On the other hand, if the current way the world's environmental problem is being handled continues, catastrophic consequences can follow for the future population.
Thus machine age brought solutions to many problems but has also done harm to our environment in the form of pollution thus putting a question mark on the very existence of human species.
Nature, the best teacher
Of all the teachers who have helped shape my life, I would say Mother Nature has been the best. For not only does she like a mother nurture her pupils but also like a strict disciplinarian punishes students who step out of line.
A student of nature learns lessons throughout his lifetime. He learns about the world around him as nature’s classrooms have no boundaries or timeframe. Nature has been the inspiration for some of the greatest human creation, be it ‘Daffodils’ by William Wordsworth or kung fu moves by the Shaolin monks. Nature has different lessons for different people. The trees teach us to provide cover to the weak
and tired. They also teach us not to be rigid in the face of strong opposition and like plants be adaptable. The animal kingdom teaches us about when to strike, always be on the alert and many such lessons.
As You Sow So Shall you Reap.
This well-known proverb ‘As you sow so shall you reap’ might have been derived on seeing a farmer. A farmer sows the seeds expecting to reap a good harvest. If he ploughs his field well, waters the crop, uses fertilizers and takes pains to see to every aspect of its growth, naturally he would profit from a bountiful harvest. On the other hand, if a farmer does not take care of the crop from the time he has sown the seeds, the final product will not satisfy him. The inherent meaning is that the consequences depend on the action. Our present makes our future. If you toil and strive and mould your present well enough, you are bound to reap its fruits. Gandhiji had rightly said, ‘Power comes from sincere service’. Mother Teresa, on account of her care and compassion for the poor and destitute, gained love and adulation from the masses. A child who is well matured and motivated to study well will surely shine in his academic field and grow up into a good Samaritan. All men desire the blessings of perfect bliss. We can either make or mar our own destiny. Each of us can be an architect of our own future and fortune. If he sows the seeds of sin and corruption, he will reap the harvest of ruin. Hence our duty is clear, we must be virtuous to achieve happiness, for as we sow so shall we reap.
In an age where man does not find time to think about himself, laughter can be considered as a good agent of relaxation. In today’s mechanized and busy life, people don’t get enough time to socialize. As a result there is no relaxation. Laughter serves as stress-buster as it releases positive energy. It fills the person with enthusiasm and zeal and he is ready to face the world again. Nowadays, we can see many laughter clubs coming up in big cities. These clubs function mainly because of the drudgery of human life in today’s world. People take anti-anxiety drugs for relaxation. These drugs have far-reaching effects which are damaging for the kidneys and other organs of the body. Instead of taking these medicines if people interact with their family members and friends and have a hearty laugh then they would be more relaxed. They will get new energy for their work and it will enhance their performance. Laughter is certainly the best medicine which has only favourable effects. When a person cracks a joke, we laugh. When we laugh, the blood circulation within our body improves and as a result our face glows with radiance. So, next time, you feel low, have a hearty laugh and feel the difference. You’ll feel refreshed and replenished with new vigour and enthusiasm.
Barring people who are dumb, human beings have been blessed with the gift of speech. Without freedom of speech one feels curbed, confined and constricted. No man can grow to his fullest stature without freedom of speech and expression. But while almost every body talks, few people take the trouble of thinking. Talking comes naturally to a human being, but thinking requires mental exertion. Everybody is gifted with reason, but few person make use of this faculty. Man is a rational animal, but all men do not benefit by the rational faculty. Thinking is, indeed, foreign to most people. The result is that words are spoken, decisions are taken, and actions are performed by people without any previous thinking. The want of thinking in most such cases leads to unpleasant, and even disastrous, consequences. If an individual says or does something thoughtlessly, he may have to pay heavily for it. If a politician makes speech without giving due thought to what he says, he may cause a tumult, an agitation and even a riot. Some people have the gift of the gab but little capacity for thinking. They often blurt out words, without realizing the implications of what they are saying. They
are reckless in speech. So thinking is an essential part of a wise man’s mental equipment. Indeed, a wise man speaks less and thinks more. And whatever he speaks is the result of his thinking. But wise men are in small minority in this world. The world is inhabited largely by talkative people who consider thinking to be an avoidable hardship.
The Fruits of Labour are Sweeter than the gifts of Fortune.
The meaning of this well known proverb is ‘a sense of achievement’. Self-satisfaction in life and the feeling of achievement are of utmost significance of life. Hard work will lead to success, which will bring in a lot of materialistic pleasures but all these will give only a temporary satisfaction. The ultimate pleasure is the satisfaction of body, mind and the soul which can be achieved only through hard work.
Material achievement is temporary and can give rise to insecurity. However, the fruits of labour are permanent. A student who has worked very hard the entire year will find immense happiness in his excellent results, but a student who has not really worked hard but through sheer fluke is blessed with an excellent result will not know how to derive pleasure from it. As is said ‘Failures are stepping stones to success’, we must learn from failures consistently. Saurav Ganguly was written off by everyone but he kept his cool and regained his form. Abhishekh Bachhan gave several flops at the beginning of his career but he didn’t give up. Today, he is one of the most successful actors. Our own parents and grandparents move ahead so positively in life despite their ill-health
at times. Isn’t that inspiring enough? Remember, we control our destiny. Let us emerge stronger and control our lives instead of letting our lives control us. Let’s be people of substance.
All human beings need to live a more meaningful life than the one they are born with. Work is natural to man. It is work that adds meaning to life. No matter how adverse the circumstances be, if one continues to work diligently without losing faith and hope, then his duties take the form of worship.
If we keep busy working with full diligence and sincerity, we experience a sense of contentment that a devotee does. God is pleased if we do our duties. Therefore work is as good as worship. At the end of the day if the time has been utilized productively, we have a sense of satisfaction which keeps us physically and mentally healthy. Think how life would be had there been no work. Work therefore gives us a definite goal and draws us nearer to God.
At his best, man is the noblest of all animals separated from
law and justice he is worst said Aristotle but when justice is delayed
it is even worse. Justice is a legal maxim meaning that if legal redress is available for a party that has suffered some injury, but is not forth coming in a timely fashion, it is effectively the same as having no redress at all.
The legal system and the procedure to deliver justice is one way a government can built trust among the citizens of that country but when justice is not prompt it is worse than not giving justice at all as then law can be used as a shield to defend the wrong doer and boost the moral of all those who violate the law and injure the innocent not just physically but also mentally. It will bring anarchy and chaos in the society and life and property will no more remain safe.
Thus if justice is given in a timely manner than it acts like a strong foundation for a prosperous society for flourish and burgeon rapidly.
Knowledge is Power.
The literal meaning of ‘Knowledge is Power’ is that power can be obtained or experienced through knowledge. If one has enough knowledge about something or anything, it helps you become powerful. One can command the others as the less knowledgeable have to depend on you for help.
A highly qualified person is self-sufficient in his profession and can manage a high profile job efficiently. Similarly , a housewife who is trained in all aspects of running the house will not need anyone’s advice, for she can manage things smoothly. People who are fond of reading gain immense knowledge about various things. They are silent listeners too. This habit helps them tremendously to gain vast knowledge which works in their favour. A good leader must have knowledge to be able to control his followers. The followers will look up to him as they lack the knowledge he possesses A well read, clever student will be respected by his classmates as well as his teachers. Just like kings and emperors were powerful due to the vastness of the armies, their weaponry and the strength of the armies,
ordinary humans can also become powerful through hard work, dedication, determination and an ambition to be powerful in the field they have skill and talent. Truly as Bacon says, “Knowledge is Power”.
A Stitch in Time Saves Nine.
This well known proverb ‘A Stitch in Time Saves Nine’ literally refers to the mending of clothes before they become irreparable. What is true of clothes is true for anything that needs mending. The advantage of a stitch in time does not limit itself to fabrics alone. Figuratively, it refers to health, medicine, morals, education and politics. We have often heard a doctor telling his patient that an earlier consultation would have avoided the present painful suffering. a popular story of the son who had turned into a thief and finally went to the prison. He wished his mother had used the ‘timely stitch’. On a larger perspective, the French
Revolution could have been avoided had the French bureaucrats
been intelligent enough to appease the people in time. In our personal
lives, too, the timely stitches are of immense value. Before our
wayward tendencies can turn into confirmed habits, let us apply the stitch in time. Our ancestors must have realized the importance of ‘timely stitches’ and stored their wisdom in this proverb for us to benefit by it. They have done their duty. Let us do ours.
Example is better than precept.
People generally like to give advice, but do not like to be advised. All of us are natural-born preachers. But when it comes to practising what we preach, we make up excuses. Very often giving advance can become sheer nagging. It can become so irritating that it has no more or even the opposite effect on the hearer. Children are keen observers. Even though the elders do not know it, children are all the while keenly observing their behaviour. They are aware of the gulf between the adults speech and their actual behaviour, between their words and deeds, between their preaching and practice. Naturally, they do not pay enough heed to the elders advise and instruction. By preaching things which they themselves don‟t practise, the elders only expose themselves as hypocrites and succeed in teaching youngsters a lesson in hypocrisy. The best way to teach is not to preach but to set and example by actually putting the preaching into practice. This is because human beings and especially children, are imitative by nature. In fact, the instinct to copy is very powerful in human beings. We should make the fullest use of this instinct to teach children what we want them to learn. If a father wants his child to never start the habit of smoking, he should first give up smoking himself. If parents wants their children to pick up good manners, they should themselves be models of good behaviour. In short, we should ourselves do what we want others to do. This is because example is better than precept and deeds are more powerful than words. Actions speak louder than words. An ounce of practise is more than a ton of precept.
Cleanlines is Next to Godliness
An unclean environment is an insult to the Creator. Everything that God has created is beautiful, and nature has in it the power to follow the norms of hygiene and sanitation. It is only man who makes his environment dirty and, very often, and for reasons best known to himself, is happy to keep it that way. When you go to a place of religious worship, don‟t you bathe first ? Don‟t you put on your clothes? Remember, this world is our temple and the first norm of cleanliness that we must follow is that of personal hygiene. This involves keeping one‟s body, clothes, belongings and home clean. This prevents diseases and prolongs life and its quality. It also makes the mind fresh and open to do better work. Cleanliness must also extend toward the neighbourhood and the environment in general. For this, one must develop clean social and civic habits. It is wrong to spit on the roads, urinate in public or throw litter anywhere you please. By doing such things we are defacing the property that belongs to us -our nation. We are also spoiling this wonderful place that God has given us to live on -our earth.