Opposites with Prefixes and suffixes.
- able x unable (prefix)
- complete x incomplete
- proper x improper
- guide x misguide
- regular x irregular
- ordinary x extraordinary
- social x anti – social
- legal x illegal
- encourage x discourage
- interior x exterior
- agree x disagree
- careful x careless (suffix)
- fearful x fearless
- appear x disappear
- direct x indirect
- perfect x imperfect
- septic x antiseptic
- ability x inability
- useful x useless
- important x unimportant
- call x miscall
- national x international
- correct x incorrect
- pure x impure
- obey x disobey
- understand x misunderstand
- literate x illiterate
- war x antiwar
- clear x unclear
- willing x unwilling
- pleasant x unpleasant
- romantic x unromantic
- developed x undeveloped
- equal x unequal
- definite x indefinite
- aware x unaware
- respect x disrespect
- patient x impatient
- responsible x irresponsible
- lock x unlock
- cyclone x anti – cyclone
- like x dislike
- continue x discontinue
- restless x restful
- justice x injustice
- experienced x inexperienced
- valuable x valueless
- successful x unsuccessful
- necessary x unnecessary
- maximum x minimum
- powerful x powerless
- sensitive x insensitive
- vegetarian x non vegetarian
- reserved x unreserved
- kind x unkind
- friendly x unfriendly
- advantage x disadvantage
- connect x disconnect
- give x receive
- normal x abnormal